Saturday, January 17, 2009

Won't need to buy T P for awhile

We got wrapped again. The sad thing is that it happened in just 20 minutes. Jon and Hunter came home from BMX around 11:20 and no toilet paper in sight. Chan comes home at 11:40 and it looks like Winter Wonderland. Whomever did it is much better at wrapping than the last person who papered us. Seriously though- I didn't know people wrapped before midnight. This is the 4th time in recent memory we've been got. Chandler and Hunter both have friends spending the night which equals a bigger cleaning crew. Unless Jon gets to it first...


Lois Brown said...

Oh the fun of having teenagers! I remember it well! Have fun getting it down, whoever gets to get it down....I'll be thinking of you!

Kelli said...

ONe of Hunter's admirers again?