Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Man Flu and other maladies

To say our house resembles an infirmary would be an understatement. I am the only person in the entire house who isn't ill or under the weather. Yesterday no one went to school, Jon skipped work sick, and Chandler had surgery. Hunter has a scratch on his eye so bad he can barely open it, Jon has Man Flu complete with a fever of 103, and Hayden and Chloe have a horrible cough, also accompanied by fever. So, yesterday started out lovely...I had gone to bed at 2:00 in the morning on Sunday (I watched all of my recorded shows, while pouting about my dreadful Mother's day and anniversary) and was awakened by Jon at 5:30 telling me he was too ill to take Chan to the hospital. So, I got ready and off we went. Jon and the kids slept in, waiting for me to call with the hopes of a doctor appointment. Luckily I was able to get them one, and Jon would have to do breakfast, clothes, driving to the doctor, etc. all the while suffering from Man Flu. Basically all the stuff I do regardless of my physical or mental state. So, while they awaited a wake up call from me, Chan and I just waited. We were told to be at the hospital at 7 for what would be a "30 minute procedure" to have his screws removed. That simple procedure turned into waiting our turn, lab work, meetings with 3 nurses, the surgeon, and an anesthesiologist. That was before surgery!!! He finally went under at 10 in the morning. I sat in the waiting room, answered THEIR phone, and ate Cheez-its, Sprite, and the Hershey bar I got at church for Mother's day. Yummy! They finally called me at 12 to tell me I could see him and that surgery went fine. But, he had to come out of the anesthesia and pee before we could leave. After being unable to produce any urine they let us leave at 2:15 with the promise that we would come back for a catheter if he hadn't gone by 7. We finally got home at 3, and I got busy. I got rx's filled, grocery shopped, cooked TV dinners, and dosed up my family. Chan is on Vicodin, Jon is on Ny-quil and Vicodin, Chloe and Hayden are on antibiotics and cough syrup, and Hunter needs eye drops. Of course being a man, Jon is suffering the worst of all. I don't know if it's in their biological make up or what, but men are wimps!! In his defense he does seem pretty ill if not a little melodramatic. And, I am proud to say that Chan finally went potty and the little kids are back at school! So, today I can finally do laundry, dishes, errands, etc- yay! Hopefully everyone is better soon and things can go back to normal. I am also putting in a formal request for an anniversary and Mother's day do-over since mine was pretty blah. We had Whataburger for dinner and I went to church alone while everyone laid around in misery. If all these yucky illnesses could go away that would be an awesome gift.

P.S. Chloe ended up having a sinus infection, Hayden has an ear infection, Hunter has an abrasion on his eye, and Jon has Man Flu, which is apparently so bad you never want to catch it. Here's a funny clip as proof.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your mothers day. I think they should make a "medicine bomb" kind of like a bug bomb for when everyone in the house is sick. I think I'm going to patent that idea, actually. You're all witnesses.

Ashley said...

Thank you that's sweet. And, I will let my family be guinea pigs as long as you can PROMISE we won't perish. Oh and some royalty checks wouldn't hurt either.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

James will make us all millionares one day with his "ideas" Ü.
Hope ya'll are feeling better!!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Oh and...MAN FLU?? LOL...typical.

Krista said...

Ah man!! That sucks!! I hope you guys get to feeling better soon!!

Ashley said...

Thanks girls! Jon is killing me today. He keeps wincing in pain and loafing on the couch. Plus, I know he's real sick when he says his hair hurts!?!?!?