Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have read several blogs today that reflected on this day in America's history. I remember that day like it was yesterday:

I had just eaten breakfast and was getting ready for work. I was 7 months pregnant with Hayden. Jon had just dropped Chandler and Hunter off at school. He comes running in yelling for me to turn on the TV, that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I was kinda confused and shocked at the same time. So, I clicked on the TV, and we watched the second plane go into the other tower. I was completely stunned and so sad. I wanted to sit and watch TV all day. Jon thought it would be best if I went on to work, everything would be fine. So, I reluctantly drove to work, shaking and terrified. What was going on? Were there gonna be more attacks? Who did this to us? Thoughts kept racing in my head. Then, Jon called and told me about the Pentagon. I screamed at him that I was coming home and to immediately go pick up our boys. He assured me that things would be fine, the boys were safe at school, and to try not to worry. Ok, I won't worry... I kept thinking of chemical weapons, terrorists, my new baby that was about to be born, did we need face masks, was there enough masking tape to seal off our windows, and then there was our constant need to go grocery shopping. Not to mention the fact that I worked near the airport at a mail order facility. I was afraid who ever attacked us, would stop at nothing to attack again anywhere they wanted. Like postal facilities, more airplanes, etc.
I (along with all of my co-workers) barely made it through that day. We prayed often, watched TV as much as was allowed, tuned our headphones to the news, and organized a bake sale to help the victims. I don't think any of us knew how bad it really was. That was one of the longest days of my life. I was so afraid of the future, afraid for my kids, and so sad for the victims and their families. I remember leaving work that day and noticing how quiet the sky above my workplace was. Normally planes flew over by the dozen, all day. It was so eerie. I stopped at Wendy's on the way home, knowing I was too emotionally exhausted to cook and that I would never want to turn away from the TV. I got home, closed every blind and curtain and double checked every lock in our house. We ate in the living room and never stopped watching TV. I even turned it on in bed at night and kept it on all night long for weeks. I couldn't stop watching it. I would wake up at night with the TV on, the sounds of alarms at Ground Zero would fill my darkened bedroom. I kept praying that they would find survivors...

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