Friday, September 12, 2008

You can't make this stuff up

So- I am sitting at the computer, putting off going to bed. Entranced by the internet, I hear a beep. It sounded like the dryer, so I head to the laundry room to see what's up. The washer was empty and I had just put a load of jeans in the dryer. Nothing looks amiss, so I get back on the computer. And, I hear another beep. I head BACK in the laundry room and still nothing. I check the cell phones, thinking maybe some idiot is awake crank-texting us. Nothing. I sit back at the computer and the beep starts up again. And, this time it doesn't stop. It's our smoke detectors!! So, I run screaming in the bedrooms for the kids to wake up, the smoke alarms are going off. I run to our game room and yell at Jon to get up, (he's asleep on the couch) and then to the living room to get Hayden off of the other couch. (He's sleeping on the couch with a bucket because of a bad tummy ache.) I get everyone outside in various states of sleep and undress. We stand in the yard while Jon checks things out. The alarms proceed to go off and on for about 10 minutes. We check the A/C, the attic, the stove, all around in and out- sniffing the air. I grab the phone to call 911, I mean I trust Jon, but I am nervous and want the experts. Jon said no way, the neighbors would freak and there's nothing that he can see. So far so good. Everything seems fine. It's been about 20 minutes and nothing. We think it was the giant load of jeans in the dryer. Because the smoke alarms near that side of the house are the one's that went off. So, we have turned it off for tonight. They tell you that you can stuff a ton of clothes in the new fancy washers and dryers, but forget to mention that it might be unsafe. Now, my kids are WIRED and it's a school night...

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