Sunday, December 14, 2008

Smooth as a baby's butt

Well, I gave in. I let Miss Chloe shave her legs. I was planning on holding out as long as possible, but when we were in Oklahoma I noticed: armpit hair. I about died. So, I told her it was time. And, she began protesting BADLY! I couldn't believe it. She has been begging me to let her shave for almost a year. A few days after we got home I bought her one of those Intuition razors with the soap already attached to the blades. She refused to even look at it. Then, one morning when I was making her bed I noticed she had opened the package and read the instructions. Good sign, it meant we were one step closer to smoother legs. However, not a smart idea for someone who has never shaved. Tonight we had a spa day if you will. She tied her hair in a bun and climbed into a big bubbly bath. And, then she yelled my name. It was time. The Intuition is a good idea for maintenance shaving not for that ever important first time. It was like using scissors to trim back a field of corn or something. She was so cute and nervous. And, I was teary eyed. I couldn't help it. She is gonna grow up whether I like it or not. She can be a turd, but tonight she was freakin' adorable, it must have taken her 20 minutes per leg. If I had continued to shave that slow all these years I might have saved myself from countless cuts and scrapes from shaving too quick. I sat on the bathmat and coached her along. Eventually persuading her to use a Daisy Plus and shave gel. She asked me several times if she was doing good for her first time... aww!
Anyway- I am proud to report that my daughter has hair free, cut free legs. And, she is wearing tights and a skirt tomorrow... Which, might seem odd. But, only if you have ever worn tights or pantyhose and were badly in need of a shave. Those pesky hairs will find their way through those ittie bittie holes in your stockings. Super embarrassing if you are wearing black tights and have blonde leg hair.


Shannon said...

Awww! A serious first! I can't wait to do that with Nat (well I can wait, but you know what I mean!) I love how she called you in to help. Good times!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Gotta love firsts! I just love having daughters and can't wait to teach them all the fun little things.
Go Chloe!!

Lois Brown said...

another right of passage down--- it is hard to watch our girls grow up!

Kelli said...

Oh, Chloe. Stop growing now. Hard to believe those are the same little legs that were sticking straight up in the air for hours after she was first born...

Amazing Grace said...

LOL!!! she's growig up...... join the club!