Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Out of the first four kiddos Chandler and Chloe were the only ones who would suck on something to self soothe. Chan had a binky til 18 months and Chloe sucked her two middle fingers until she was 4, stopping only after she accidentally shut her fingers in a dresser drawer. Well, now The Camster is sucking his thumb! I know most moms would freak out about this but I think it's adorable! I will cross the Buck Tooth Bridge when we come to it. I am just glad he wants to use something besides myself for a pacifier. So, I took a few pics of him. He is so CUTE! As soon as I laid him on his new playmat that Shannon made he laid there looking at the beautiful patterns, sucking his thumb content as could be for about 30 minutes, which is awesome. He still has a pretty short attention span and gets cranky or bored after too long. Anyway- I just thought it deserved a blog post. Oh and I threw in two random photos because I felt like it.

thumb and index finger sucker


me and the Chlomeister

red hair


Shannon said...

So cute! I love thumbsuckers, neither of my kids were. :(

And I am so glad he likes his mat, it warms my heart to see one being used instead of hiding away in my blanket chest with the others!!

Krista said...

So sweet!! Newborns are absolutely adorable when they are sucking their thumbs. Jordyn did that but she only did it when she was tiny!! :)