Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pioneer Girl

I recently was given like the bestest present ever. The Little House on the Prairie series of books. I have been reading my little heart out. I got the books on Saturday and have read a book a day since then. When I was a kid, my sister Kelli and I would read and re-read them. I would love to go back in time and experience just one week at the Ingalls house. Yes, I know it would be hard. But, man it would be cool. I know to some people that may be incredibly cheesy, but not to me. I grew up with a dad who always had Westerns on TV, who has an amazing library full of books about Cowboys, Indians, and pioneers. We even briefly owned a farm, 158 acres in Paris, TX. that was my dad's pride. There was a cute little house, tons of pecan trees, and a fish filled pond. Of course there wasn't any livestock, except a few horses and other critters that just belonged. We even had a caretaker, Mr. Miller. He kept watch over the place and would always serve the same cookies when we went for our monthly farm trip. Anyway, to make a long blog post short, I have taken my recent gift a little overboard. In this internet savvy world we live in, I have been able to Google the real Ingalls-Wilder family. I have even looked up the foods they commonly ate, the clothes they wore, and friends of theirs. There are some pretty neat sites out there. I have been having a blast. Of course I haven't done as much Spring cleaning as I would have liked but oh well. There's always tomorrow.

For your reading pleasure:
Wikipedia Laura Ingalls Wilder
Roses and Daisies


Kelli said...

Ah, Laura Ingalls Wilder. I love her. When I was a kid, and even now, if asked who out of everyone alive/dead, past/present would I like to meet, I always say her. I feel a little bad when some people say a current or former prophet, or Emma Smith, or something like that, but I can't help it. I would meet Laura.

Ashley said...

Hey, have you ever read the book I Walked to Zion? It's really good and is about the Mormon Pioneers, the pictures and stories are really neat.

Ashley said...

Here is the link:

Shannon said...

I am reading mine now too! I just started On the shores of plum creek, it is one of my favorites in the series. reading them brought back so many memories of how we played as kids, endless hours of Little House make believe. They are the best books ever for kids (and grownups!)!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I have never read them! Kelli has talked about how good they hopefully one day I'll add them to my collection.

Ashley said...

Well I am sure you would love them, they are an easy read. I haven't read them since childhood. I am now reading things I forgot happened. I can pretty much bet that me, Kelli, or Shannon would be willing to loan you ours!!

Anonymous said...

I still read the books now too. And I find something different every time I do!