Saturday, October 4, 2008

He totally had it coming...

I just read that O.J. Simpson was found guilty in the armed robbery case he was being tried for. I do not know all of the details about this case, but I feel as if he has had this coming for many years. I know how the courts work and I know he was found not guilty for murdering his ex-wife and her friend. But, never in a million years would I ever believe he wasn't responsible. He may have gotten 14 years of freedom, but it looks like he may rot in jail after all.


Kelli said...

Oh, my gosh, I know. Best news of the day. Our def. driving instructor actually made a special announcement.

Krista said...

Vegas got it done!!! He was just so cocky that he thought he would get off for everything!! Unfortuately, the stupid news broke into my show and talked about it for an hour before they even announced the verdict;(

Ashley said...

That's too bad that they broke into your show, but at least it was for a really good cause! Kel- where did you do defensive driving at? Hopefully a restaurant so you can eat at the same time. I know El Chico's does it.

Kelli said...

We were going to do El Chico's, but they only had it on weekdays, which Bryce wasn't able to do. He's trying to save all time possible for when the baby comes. We did it at Hyenas, and they had food brought in. Basically homemade-style sandwiches. Nothing special.