Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blogger Stew

I could do three different posts about three separate things I feel like blogging about, but it's my blog and I'll do what I want. I'm doin' them all-in-one.

First order of business, the weekly weigh in. This week I was just as lazy as last week. Due to being really busy and having two messed up knees. I played my behind off in softball last Monday and I am still paying the price. We don't have a game tomorrow, so I have one whole week to keep them iced and wrapped, and hopefully get all healed up. I found out tonight that we are gonna sign our team up for the Winter league, which is cool. I can get in two days of exercise for sure each week that way. It also means I am gonna have to put up the Nike's and get honest to goodness real softball cleats. I am gonna try and find a pair that matches my pink glove. Anyway, back to the point. I am down 14.5 pounds! I am addicted to Lean Cuisines and Coke Zero. End of point.

Second order of business, blogging. I just want to say I really like my blog, ALOT! It is fun and a little addictive. I look at it often. I can't imagine ever not blogging. Everytime I go somewhere, I take pictures, just in case I blog about what I'm doing. I even take pictures of food in restaurants. You should see the pictures on my computer. There are photos of Cokes, food, etc. I love when people read my blog. I love it even more when people comment. Makes all the picture taking and typing worth it. Not sure why it matters, but it does. I guess it's an ego thing. I know some people could care less about comments. Not me, I totally care.

And, last but not least, church. I let my mind wander today during sacrament. I know, I know. Anyway, as I was letting my thoughts float around, I was pondering things about church that stump me and sometimes make me laugh. Like, how I always manage to get the hardest chunk of bread and the teeniest cup of water at sacrament. Or, people who sit in the same place every week, and would almost rather go home than sit somewhere different. And, why is it always so flippin' loud in the back? Why do the same kids always get up and down 22 times each and every week? And, could it get any colder in the chapel? Is it ok to speed on your way to church just so you can partake of the sacrament? And on and on... I usually always listen and I definitely always learn something amazing, but today I wasn't on my game.

Ok, the end.


Shannon said...

1) yay for losing weight, and yay for pink softball shoes!

2)I like comments too, in fact lots and lots of bloggers like comments. I read a funny post about the 4 languages of blogging somewhere...hilarious.

3)hahahaha about the people with their "assigned" seats. Keith and I like to change it up every week, and it is true that it is louder in the back.

Krista said...

Yay for the lost weight!! I started my diet on Wednesday and yes, Coke Zero and Lean Cuisine's are my best friend. I better see some results!!

Amanda said...

Good job losing weight - taht is awesome! I think everyone likes comments on their blog, even if they wouldn't admit to it. And your wandering church questions totally made me laugh. Let me know if you find some answers.

Cheree said...

Here’s a comment from me. I am a pretty loyal reader of yours – I pretend you all are "real friends" of mine and I actually get a bit “Mormon envious” (but not enough to convert). :-)
Congrats on the weight-loss! I’m 10 lbs short of my goal and the friggin scale isn’t budging. Maybe I should give in to the Lean Cuisine’s again too (but they still make me gag. After a while – every entrĂ©e taste the same!!! YUCK!!!)

Ashley said...

Cheree- I will only eat a handful of the lean cuisines. I like the turkey and dressing one with cinammon apples alot. I add fat free cool whip to the apples and it's pretty good. And, I like the sesame chicken too. Good luck on losing those last 10 pounds. If only I were that close to my goal....

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Congrats on the weight loss! You and Krista have me started again! And Jenny has me hooked on Lean Pockets for lunch!
I'm glad you like to blog, cause I like to read what you say!! Keep it up, chica.
And really, I think its a good thing to let your mind wander during Sacrament. For me, thats what I do, too...pondering back on my week, what was bad, what was good, what was funny, spiritual, stupid...It's all about search, ponder and pray!