Thursday, November 20, 2008

I cheated...

but not on my diet. I cheated on my new ward...

Before I left the Burleson ward, I was called to the activities committee. I was only able to help plan 2 activities: a potluck and the Halloween party. I made a few posters for the Trunk or Treat and they turned out pretty cute. I assumed when I got the calling that I would be around for the holidays and that I would get to make more posters. I had already designed them in my head. Then the boundaries changed, and I was obviously no longer needed. But, I offered to make the posters needed for our ward Christmas breakfast anyway, and tonight I finally had a chance to get busy. I was so stumped and am by no means a craft guru, but I try. I hope they like these... I am nervous. I think they are ok. I would consider them better than a 5th grader but not near as good as Martha.

** P.S. Leanne, if you are reading they are all yours


Leanne said...

I LOVE YOU!!! They are absolutely perfect. Thank you, thank you. And we won't tell if you don't. You know this means you have to come, right?

Kelli said...

Ashley, you are always saying you aren't crafty and creative, and you SO are. Trust me, if I attempted posters like that, it would look like they were done by a 2nd grader. Yours are awesome.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Those turned out fantastic! I really love the placemat one...great idea!! They are so lucky to have you as their cheater ;).

Anonymous said...

Your posters are absolutely adorable.You are ALWAYS so creative and crafty with everything you do. ec

Amanda said...

Whatever, your posters are by far teh best church posters I have ever seen. I love them and am so sad that we won't be getting any more of them!

K said...

Hum.... I am seeing the potential that you bring to the 3rd Ward and I am quite certain that you will be able to put your talents to use here (HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!).

BTW - the fact that you helped out even though you aren't officially in Burleson anymore isn't "cheating" - it's being committed to finishing what you started, and that is a good thing!


Ashley said...

Thanks for all the sweet words, seriously I am blushing!

Ashley said...
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Lois Brown said...

How beautiful they are and we are so lucky you have moved into our WARD!!!!!!