Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good news and Bad news

The bad news is: there are several curious items floating in my pool because it's so freaking windy.
The good news is: my neighbors Christmas lights might finally be coming down. The wind already did half the job for them! Yay wind!


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Dont make fun of people with their lights still up! Ours are still up b/c my husband works until 2a and I am NOT risking my life by getting up on a ladder to get them down!! LOL...
at least they aren't up and ON!

Ashley said...

I'll let it slide for you Sarah!! And, it's still January so it could be worse like June or something!

Kelli said...

Remember we did lights one year at Mom & Dad's. They were still up several years later.

Ashley said...

yes, I do remember. Years later I pulled them down and they popped and busted on the driveway. Steve Hosick was coming to pick me up for a date in October and I was mortified.