Sunday, January 6, 2008

And the award goes to....

Welcome to the 1st annual Myersville awards ceremony. Competition for this year's awards took place during Christmas break. This year's winners are as follows:

Going the longest without a bath: Chloe
Eating the most candy: Hayden
Spending the most money: Ashley
Wearing the same pair of socks the longest: Hunter
Falling asleep first, every single night: Jon
Going the longest without brushing their teeth: Chandler
Staying up the latest: tie between Chandler and Hunter
Using the most cell phone minutes: Hunter
Most temper tantrums thrown: tie between Chloe and Hayden
Displaying the snottiest attitude: tie between Hunter and Chloe
Most internet usage: tie amongst all of us

Join us again next year for what is sure to be an interesting competition.

1 comment:

James said...

haha! Maybe this year will be different? :-)