Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Way-back Wednesday!

I can't believe it's Wednesday already!! Time to go way-back!

Here is yours truly at around 4 months of age. This picture makes me want my very own redheaded baby girl. I still have this dress. I put Chloe in it once, but never took her picture. So, it awaits a daughter or more than likely a grand-daughter. Like my upside down hair bow and slobber?

Here I am in 1st grade. Nice haircut and even nicer bags under the eyes. Can you say hot mess?

Here are me, Jon, Chandler, and Hunter. Our very first family portrait. Jon hates this picture. He is very uncomfortable having his picture made. I am 21 in this pic, Jon 25, Chandler 3, and Hunter 1 month.

Here is the last family pic we had taken. Sad huh? Poor Hayden. Lucky for him, we have an appointment in August to have a family portrait done. (ages: me-23, Jon-27, Chandler-5, Hunter 28-months, and Chloe 10 months)

This is one of my favorite pictures. Jon and the kids (minus Hayden) hanging at the crib. We were living at my parent's house during our house hunt. Ages are the same as above pic.


Kelli said...

I don't think I've ever seen that crib picture! Very cute. I can't believe so much time has gone by and how our lives have changed.

Ashley said...

Yes, our lives have changed alot. I would just about give my right arm to have one of the old days back. Plus, I just realized that I have a slight lazy eye in the pictures. I have been noticing it for awhile now, but always thought it was the flash. But, it's in all these old pictures as well. My left eye in person, the right eye in pictures. Just another thing to hate about my looks, lovely...

Shannon said...

Is Jon IN the crib? That is hilarious!

Krista said...

Those family pics are so nice!! I'm hoping to get ours on spring break while Travis is off. The crib pic is too cool.

Ashley said...

Yes, he's in the crib. They used to do that all the time.