Monday, February 18, 2008

Ashleysaurus Rex

It's official, I am a dinosaur... Never mind the fact that all the moms in my ward are under 30, or that I am gonna be 34 soon, I can't work my new cell phone! I feel like such an idiot. I guess reading the manual would help, but I am an instant gratification kind of girl. I want to be able to turn it on and use it. I want all my numbers programmed for me, I want to know all of it's quirks like I know my own. But, no. It is confusing the hell out of me. It is pretty darn fancy! I thought my old phone was pretty cool, what with a camcorder and stuff. This one looks like it's on, the display is lit up and you can piddle around on it, but you have to turn it on to make a call! All day I thought it was on, when in reality it was off and when I finally figured it out, I had 5 voice mails. If it wasn't so darn cute I might throw the damn thing!


Simply Sarah *K* said...

lol! you are NOT a dinosaur! you'll get the hang of it...Ü

Kelli said...

You are not old! At all! You and your phone will be best friends in no time. All the better for you to call CVS with...