Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day

Today was the first day of school. And, man are we tired. The morning was hectic, with us all running around like crazy and barely making it out the door on time. It ended up taking over an hour to get each kid to their respective schools. Except Chandler. He got a ride from a friend, since he's a JUNIOR in high school now! The afternoon went much smoother, until time to eat dinner, walk the dogs, and bathe. Let's just say I am glad the kids fell asleep fast, 'cause mama is headed to the tub with a magazine. This year is gonna be crazy. Hunter started middle school, and this is the first time Chloe has been at school without Hunter. Not to mention, all 4 of them are in DIFFERENT schools!! Anyway, I got a few photos and once again Chandler is absent. But, since I got one of these, I will be taking LOTS of pics whenever I please!

Hayden, Hunter, and Chloe getting ready for long drive to school

Hunter and Hayden (Hunter texting!!)

Mr. Hayden

Princess Chloe

pretty girl


Hayden in class

Hunter, headed to homeroom (1st day of middle school)


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Your kids are just dollfaces!! TOO CUTE!

Kelli said...

Ahhh, they're so cute. I can't believe FOUR DIFFERENT SCHOOLS.

Shannon said...

What cute pictures! I LOVE uniforms! They look so precious, I especially love Chole's top, with the pretty pink ribbon peeking out!