Saturday, August 30, 2008

Must have been the extra bun...

Tonight Chloe and I had an interesting conversation. We were discussing bras. The conversation then turned to one of her friends, who had developed quickly. And, let's just say she no longer qualifies for a training bra... Anyway, Chloe told me she asked her friend about her new "figure". And this is their whole coversation:

Chloe: "Dude, what happened? You grew those really fast." (Chloe is so tactful.)

Friend: "I am not sure, I think it's because of all those Big Macs I have been eating."


Cheree said...

Hmmm. Too bad those bigmacs seem to accumulate on my derriere instead of my bust. :-(

Ashley said...

Oh man, I am with you. Jon and I were just talking tonight about McDonalds. I NEVER ate there until I met him. And, now I am fat and he's not. So unfair!

Shannon said...

OH MY GOSH. This is me rolling on the floor laughing! Man that is so funny!

And yeah, my big mac seem to go right where I send them, to my stomach! LOL