Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Is it monday all over again?

Wow! Can you say morning from hell? I guess I should backtrack a little ... The drama started yesterday afternoon. It took me 2 and 1/2 hours to make it through three carpool lanes at three different schools plus a 5 minute pit stop for gas. I knew when we got home and Hayden had a plate of spaghetti at 4:30 that I was in for a long night. He fell asleep smack dab in the middle of the living room floor at 5:00. Well, wood floors are obviously not very comfortable. Especially when you're a tuckered out 5 year old after you're first day of school. So I knew things would eventually turn ugly. I had seriously hoped he would sleep until maybe 5:00 am. It didn't help when Jon walked in and yelled out "how are my school kids doing"? Hayden promptly woke up GRUMPY!!! He hated the dinner I made so he cried for 30 minutes about how he needed help because I was starving him to death and I didn't love him and I needed to go back to Wal-Mart and get better food. Homemade beef stew isn't that bad is it? Anyway, that little nap had him wired for hours! He finally fell asleep at 11. So, needless to say 6:40 came pretty darn early. And of course he needed a bath because during tantrum described above I AM NOT TAKING A BATH was repeated pretty often. So he cried through the bath because I was freezing him to death. ( I obviously have more power than I realize) So after drying him off and getting him situated I was feeling pretty good about things. Breakfast was in the oven and Hayden was sipping on a glass of strawberry milk. That is until that glass of strawberry milk decided to spill itself on a freshly bathed woke up on the wrong side of the bed little boy. So back to the tub we went. Eventually Spongebob and a warm cinnamon roll saved the day. So, now I sit here in a completely different state of mind than 24 short hours ago: I am completely enjoying the silence and the fact that all four kids are in school!


Kelli said...

Ahh, I look forward to starving my children and freezing them.

Shannon said...

Nothing like a few temper tantrums to change your perspective! I wish I could send my 18 month old to school...

James said...

Beef stew rocks! :)