Thursday, July 9, 2009

He's got the cutest little baby face....

I went yesterday for my 3D sonogram. Of course the baby was being a little stubborn. He was awake but was hanging out in one position. He had his arm tucked around both legs and and his legs were right in his face. We tried everything to get him to move... but nothing. The sono technician did manage to get a few face shots. And if you were wondering- yes he is definitely still a boy! Chloe is still skeptical- even though his boy parts were larger than life on a projector screen. He opened one eye at one point as if to see what all the fuss was about. Personally I am amazed at technology- that you can see what your baby looks like before they make their big appearance. I remember with all the other kids just having a grainy ultrasound pic and being completely surprised at delivery. Especially with Hunter who hid the goods through FIVE sonograms. Anyway- he looks like my other kiddos and looks perfectly adorable to me. Oh yeah- although I have no photo to show for it, he definitely has my thighs. The first thing we saw when she started the scan was two FAT thighs, they already look ripe for squeezing!

what are you looking at? See his little eye open?

P.S. just a little FYI- I have officially gained back every single pound I lost, plus 2... And, I had a little scare with my blood pressure last week (it was reading 135/85 which is high for me) and this week was much better 125/72. Turns out I was ALOT anxious and a little dehydrated.


Erica said...

He's SO cute!!!! Shy little thing...oh, I'm so excited for you!

The Omni Crafter said...

In that first pic, he looks like leave ne alone, I was sleeping!!

Lois Brown said...

He is amazing! Glad that your blood pressure is better!!!!