Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Not so fast....

Yeah, so note to self: no more pep talks! I think I jinxed myself something AWFUL after my last post... Yesterday was terrible, and that's a major understatement! I'm having that "I have to be Superwoman" thing going on. I get frustrated and overwhelmed way too easy. And while I did feel like a Rockstar when I wrote my last post, I am now back down on Earth. I have got to learn to RELAX! Any tips? I know there are good days and bad days, and I know it will get better and eventually I will have an empty nest. However, what the hell am I supposed to do in the meantime?


Cheree said...

(the beverage)
I'm an an adamant supporter of both wine and coffee. :)

Simply Sarah *K* said...

You gotta breathe!
And go get a pedicure...or do something for yourself and BY yourself at least once a week. Easier said than done...I feel like I never get away!

Heather said...

I get in my car and turn the radio up as loud as possible. And if with kids loud enough not to hear their issues for the moment. Most of my kids know this is a sign you need to back off a little. When I still had little ones it was an escape to the bathroom or a near by closet would work. Good luck..With all the teenage attitudes we have to remind ourselves that we will miss the crazyness later.