Once inside I had Chloe load my bags and the car seat in the van and Hayden helped her put the groceries away, while I did a load of laundry and took out some trash. This whole time Jon was panicking and it was cute and funny. I don't think I've ever seen him so fidgety and nervous and sweaty! He kept thinking I was gonna drop the baby out on the kitchen floor or something. Obviously he has forgotten I don't labor that way, I dawdle. Finally I got in the car and we headed out stopping to drop the kids at Erin's. Jon wanted to let them run in but I went in to say hi and grab a bottle of water. He was getting more nervous by the second and finally got in the car and I believe he may have honked. I was still having every 5 minute contractions but they weren't that bad. Finally we were on our way and when we got to the hospital Jon was annoyed that I didn't want to be dropped off but instead would park and walk with him. We go upstairs and get the last and smallest delivery room available. Of course. That has happened to me with 3 out of 5 kids. I met my nurse and she told me to get dressed in a gown and she would get my IV started. I chose to pace the room for awhile. I was dreading being stuck in bed for who knew how long. After 30 minutes or so I took a quick sponge bath and put on my gown and climbed in bed.
My nurse came in, (it was nearing 6:00 I believe) started my IV and bid me good luck as she was headed home. The new nurse was AWESOME! She was super sweet and I just knew it was gonna a smooth ride. Sorta. As soon as I got the IV of fluids and antibiotic started and the fetal monitor on my contractions intensified but were still only 5 minutes apart. And, I was miserable. When she came in to look in on me I begged her to check me because it had been almost 2 hours (it was 8:00 now) of non stop pain and I was POSITIVE I was at a 6 or 7. I hadn't been checked once at that point which I found odd. Anyway, I was still a THREE!! Crap! I decided at that point that an epidural was in order if I was gonna survive labor. I was really really mad at myself at that point because I had grand plans to have an unmedicated delivery and I wasn't even gonna let my OB break my water. Hah! The anesthesiologist couldn't come quick enough. When he came in I told him about all my back problems and he said he would try his best to make it work. Well, I now know what it feels like to be shot or stabbed or bent in half. The pain from the first (yes first) attempt was worse than any contraction could ever hope to be. When he said "that didn't work I'll have to try again" I almost died. Really I wasn't sure I could go through another attempt. It was horrible. I can't even stress that enough. I have never felt that kind of pain in my life, ever. Evidently my back is really messed up from prior epidurals. I felt pain go down each leg and it was AWFUL! The second try was just as painful but it WORKED! Yeehaw!
After it kicked in Jon and I sat and we and waited. Jon surfing the internet and me texting friends and chilling. At around 8:30 Erin came to visit and brought Jon some smelly Taco Bell for dinner. She stayed for a bit and while she was there my OB came and I let him break my water. And he checked me and I was still a THREE! Wow, I never expected that. I also never expected my doctor to watch Family Guy between talking to me and doing his doctor stuff. At around 10 Erin left and I started to doze and so did Jon. He was snoring soo loud and poor thing was sleeping in the littlest chair I had ever seen. Basically he and I dozed for hours and it was really nice. At midnight I was checked again and was finally a SEVEN, woo hoo. So, back to sleep I went. I would only wake briefly to eat ice chips and tell Jon to shut up! I do remember my nurse coming in alot to hold the monitor on my tummy and have me roll on my sides as his heart rate kept fluctuating so much. At around 1:30 I could feel him in the birth canal or so I think. I am pretty sure he could have been born very soon at that point but I was way too groggy to tell my nurse I felt like pushing. I am thinking it didn't look like I was making much progress on the monitors as my contractions never would peak very high even though they had been coming quicker and quicker. Who knows. I just distinctly remember pressure like when you have to push. I do know he had a bad cone head which doesn't make sense since I only pushed a little before he finally came out. It will forever remain a mystery.
Anyway- back to the story. At around 3:35ish my doctor came in to examine me and I was 10, even though I knew I had been complete for at least a little while. Jon and I were both sooo groggy it didn't seem real at all. I felt like I was drunk or dreaming or both. But man I was ready! We chatted a bit and he had me do a couple of practice pushes. He told me I was a great pusher and the baby would likely come quick. My doctor got dressed and a ton of people from the NICU came in (just in case) as the baby had pooped already. Stinker! Then I started pushing. And, I pushed through 3 whole contractions (which took less than 10 minutes) and out he came at 4:11 am! I couldn't believe he had reddish hair and that he was so fat! It was so surreal as it always is when you deliver a baby. That little thing that was kicking you is there! In the room! And then it begins... the sleep deprivation, the sore boobies, the crying, the yellow poop, the never ending love, the smiles, the bills and on and on and on. And, here we are a month later trying to make it through each day. It's harder than I realized but I am so happy and in love. I am tired and I have bad breath and dowdy clothes. My house is a freakin' hazard. I can't figure which end is up... But I know it gets easier and I also know that before you know it he's a big smelly kid about to fly the nest and I am gonna miss him so bad... For now, I am trying to not sweat the small stuff and enjoy my babies. He is gorgeous and sweet and I think he might want a baby sister....
hahaha, I am totally serious!
breathing through a contraction
falling in love...
checking for red hair!
headed home! I wonder if he knew what he was in for?
p.s. read this, an old post I did when all my kiddos went off to school. Little did I know....
Thanks for sharing your story!! I'm so glad you were able to get the epidural so you could rest!! Enjoy that baby:)
I love birth stories! And wow – I thought they were supposed to come quicker with each successive birth? I have to second the cashier though – you are a bit nutty and brave! :-)
Did you bring your own hospital gown? For a hospital gown, that is way cute :) And that sounds like besides the beginning, the middle and the end where semi nice! :) (oh and this is Sarah's little sister..)
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