Monday, May 11, 2009

Lucky #13

So, today is our 13th anniversary, woo hoo! I can still remember the day we met like it was yesterday: he was the assistant manager and I was a pharmacy tech at the Eckerd's in Grand Prairie. It was a Saturday and I was working the 10am to 8pm shift as was he and it was a looong day. I had heard rumors that he thought I was pretty so on that day I made sure to look extra nice and it worked. He flirted with me every chance he got. Normally he would never be back in the pharmacy but on that particular day I don't think he ever left! He asked me for my number that night and we went on our first date the next day. We have been together ever since. Sure we have had rough patches here and there, some worse than others. But, I think we both know we are in it for keeps. Babe- Happy Anniversary, I love you! And, just because here are a few photos of us on our wedding day.

little old me before we did the deed (just a little FYI- I bought that dress at the mall at 9 o'clock pm the night before we got married. It wasn't until years later that we realized the hem was crooked! Crazy huh? Kelli and Amy have both worn it for different special occasions.)

Jon, hiding his nerves well

Mr. and Mrs. Myers doing our best old fashioned no smile wedding picture

cutting the cake

our little instant family, Chan was 4 and Hunter was 4 months, they have since learned to look at the camera

two more tidbits: I remember thinking I was sooo fat in my dress. I had just had a baby and was about 160 pounds, I would love to have that body today... And, a funny one: Jon fell asleep watching Sportscenter while I waited in a candlelit bubble bath on our wedding night.... and, not alot has changed. He can pretty much fall asleep in 30 seconds flat, 15 seconds if the tv's on!


hawkeye said...


Nice family there, may god have his finest blessings over you people.

Visit my blog at and join my followers or community to get updates on cool stuff.

cant wait to meet ya there

Bye for now


Simply Sarah *K* said...

I love the pictures!! What good memories!!

Krista said...

Those are great pics!! I hope you all had a great day!

Cheree said...

Happy Anniversary!!!