Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am not even sure where to start... but, I'll give it a try. Pregnancy doesn't really bother me physically, yes the nausea has been bad but I've had severe nausea since my appendix was removed, so I'm used to it. I don't get swollen feet or hands, I don't get backaches, I sleep fine, etc. However, it does affect my moods. Right now, I'm an emotional hormonal basket case. I get so moody, frustrated, bummed out, and pissed off it's pathetic. Everything bugs me. I can't seem to see the bright side of anything. I'm constantly sad. Which all sounds so ridiculous. I mean, HELLO- I am having a baby not getting evicted from my house. I wish I was more happy go lucky, but I don't know how to be. I have bawled so much the past week my eyes look like I've been in more than one bar fight. And, I am letting the silliest things bother me: the kids messy rooms, the dog barking for her food, the no sunshine, not being able to get into a bigger house before the baby, and on and on. And, my biggest gripe: I look like crap, there is no pregnancy glow. My skin is blotchy, I keep getting pimples, and I have major dark circles. I know, I sound like a big whiney butt. I am sorry, but I have to vent to someone and Jon's been at the receiving end one too many times and he's sick of it. So, that's why I haven't been blogging, I am just in one big bad mood. Thank goodness I am 22.5 weeks into it and only have 17.5 more to go, unless I'm lucky and deliver at my 38th week.... here's hoping! And, I just thought I'd throw this out there- I am not looking for sympathy. Just wanted to share. Hopefully I'm not the only one that gets this way while I'm pregnant... Anyway, thanks for listening!


Krista said...

You can vent all you want to!! It comes with being prego. I never look good when pregnant. My belly never is round. It has a flat part in the middle which always looks wierd and my arm always breaks out. And my underarms get really irritated and raw! I could go on....;-} It will be worth it once you get that beautiful bundle on the other side of the summer;)

Shannon said...

Being pregnant is just rough, and it seems like we all have different troubles. It's ok to be hormonal, and ok to rant too. Just make sure you are getting time to chill out as often as possible. To rest your hormones as it were. And yeah, I never got the "glow" either. Zits were always the order of the day for me. Bleh.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Girl, you know whiney or not, we still love ya. Being preggo gives you the opportunity to be whatever, whenever, however. Big hugs!!

Kelli said...

Pregnancy totally sucks rocks, for real. It's weird how with everyone, there's a different thing that badly affects them. Most it's morning sickness, with me it's my back, with others it's their emotions. I'm sorry, I hope you feel better. I really am looking forward to registering for the baby with you!

Anonymous said...

I never had post partum depression, only pre partum depression. At the same time it was exciting. Weird, huh?