Sunday, August 24, 2008

I HATE Wal-Mart!

Oh man... what was I thinking going to Wal-mart instead of staying at church? It is like mass freaking hysteria in that place. On a Sunday at dinner-time the night before school no less. There are no school uniform items left. They were all out of construction paper. And the lines, oh my gosh! I swear it was like the world was coming to an end. Which translates to, hurry to Wal-Mart for Top Ramen and Pepsi! Ugghh! I get the whole concept and convenience of a store that has everything, and that is cheaper than Target. But really, hire more cashiers and keep it clean. And, how come no shirt, no shoes, no service doesn't apply to toddlers? I am NEVER gonna wait this late to shop for school ever again, promise. The only thing that kept me happy in that store was knowing that I got a front row parking space. And, in case you forgot, I really do hate Wal-Mart.


Erica said...

ME TOO! Did they at least have potato chips???

Cheree said...

My sentiments exactly!