Friday, August 22, 2008

Tastes like chicken?

Post Title Ideas:

I'm sorry Kermit
Blogs about frogs
Frog legs anyone?

I had many ideas as to what I should title this post. No matter what, this story is sad, if you like animals or have a beating heart. You have been warned.

Last night Jon and I were sitting in our media/game room watching the Olympics while Chloe and Hayden played board games. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what appeared to be a mouse crawling across the floor. So, I yelled for Jon to catch it and for the kids to jump up quick. Now, we live in the country and animals and critters are a part of our everyday life. As a matter of fact I have a random stray dog on my porch right now... Anyway, we quickly determined that it wasn't a mouse at all but a GIANT hairy spider. So, Jon scooped it up into the lid of the kid's Life game and headed to the front door. I heard him comment that we always seem to have frogs on our porch and thought nothing else of it...then, I hear him try to shut the door and it keeps making this loud thud like something is in the way. He tries to shut the door like three more times and it still keeps thudding loud and not closing. It sounded to me like the deadbolt was stopping the door. So, I get up to investigate and see Jon covering his mouth with a sick look on his face. And he tells me he shut the very same frog who was eating mosquitoes on my porch 5 seconds earlier in the door! Next to the hinges. I very cautiously peek at the door and sure enough that frog is bleeding on my door frame, and his throat and cheek are all bubbled up. It was so sad and so gross. I love animals, but I am not gonna try and resucitate a frog. I mean, can you see me now doing mouth to mouth? Anyway, Jon swept him off the porch to die in peace and we were thinking he would go quick. But no, this morning around 11 I opened the door to check and there he was covered in ants. He turned his head to look at me and blinked his freaking eyes! So freaking sad! I am forever traumatized. I am sorry Kermie, Jon's sorry too. It was an accident. I am teasing but it was really sad. I hope he is in froggy heaven, lounging on giant lily pads, eating bugs, and being kissed by princesses.


Anonymous said...

What no pictures?

Ashley said...

Nah, he's boiling on the stove and the steam fogs up my lens...

Amazing Grace said...

awe???? I promise to send you the pics of Amy's shower when I get back... I'm in Vegas right now.. Will be home on Sunday. :)

Kelli said...

Oh, man! That is so sad. Poor froggy. The part about him turning his eyes to look at you. Meep.

Shannon said...

Um, yeah, saddest story ever. And I agree with Kelli on the whole forlorn turning of his eyes to look at you while his body is slowly being eaten by ants deserving a meep. Yeah, that definitly sucks.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Aww!! Too sad!
You crack me up...wishing him well in froggy heaven!

Krista said...

Ahhh...poor froggy!!

Kelli said...

Actually, picturing him turning his head and blinking his eyes at you, it reminds me of a PETA video I stupidly watched one time about the fur industry and how they skin raccoons alive. They showed everything while the raccoons literally SCREAMED. Then they throw them, completely skinless and still breathing, into a huge pile. They show one up close, with his beautiful long eyelashes still intact, turn to the camera and blink. Traumatized me FOREVER. I'll never forget and I cry every time I remember.