Thursday, February 12, 2009


Tonight I took Chloe and Hayden to see Coraline. It was AWESOME! It was visually STUNNING! Like, seriously 10 stars!! It was such a cute story (I am pretty sure it was adapted from a book of the same name). I never, not once lost interest which so often happens during kid flicks. But, not this one. The whole movie was amazing from start to finish. I am not sure I would take a kid who gets scared easily, and definitely not one under 5. But, for all of us over 5 it was worth every penny. We saw it in 3D, which cost an extra $2... not sure why? Maybe for the glasses? Competely silly because they had recycle bins everywhere asking you to recycle your glasses. That would be my only complaint. Anyway, it was done in the same fashion as The Nightmare Before Christmas, which is another awesome movie. I will more than likely see this again and for sure I will buy it when it comes out. Anyway, that's my review. Go See It, NOW! You won't be disappointed!


Simply Sarah *K* said...

I'm so excited to see this movie. James really wants to take Bella, and since she loved Nightmare Before Christmas, I think she might do ok...but I dunno.
I'm so glad you liked it!! I was waiting for your "report" lol.

You are right about the book, it's a YA by Neil Gaimen...He wrote "Stardust" too..which was a great book and FANTASTIC movie!

Lois Brown said...

Very cool! I will have to check out now. i'm sure my girls are going to see it in I'll want to be able to talk to them about it! I glad you enjoyed it!