Monday, June 23, 2008

Do you smell that?

The first thing I noticed this morning when I woke up was, wow our house smells awful! So, I sniff around a little trying to figure out what it is. Nothing. It is starting to annoy me because the odor is horrible. The first thing I think of is some of us had bean burritos yesterday and some of us had baked beans at a barbecue. I make a mental note to add Bean-O to my grocery list. Hopefully I am not the only person this has happened to. I walk frantically around the house, investigating, sniffing. I am sure I looked like an idiot. But, I take pride in my house smelling good. I have plug ins and wallflowers everywhere. Not to mention all of my Bath and Body Works oil burners and room sprays. Anyway, I check the toilets, and they're all flushed! Miracle. I sniff the kids rooms, under the kitchen sink, the dishrag in the kitchen sink, the frig. Nada. I did discover some old pork chops, but they had no odor. Ziplock bags really do keep things fresh! I chunk them out and head to the pantry. Hah, I found it. A bag of sprouty potatoes. Funny, the pantry doesn't smell. But I am convinced it's the bag of sprouty spuds. So, I pinch the top of the bag with two fingers and my nose with the other hand and I run outside to the trash cans. Whew! Crisis averted! I definitely wasn't expecting the smell that hit me in the face when I came back in. Think of a giant wall of poo and you are running into it at full speed. I was nearly knocked out. So, I gag my way to the laundry room for some Lysol wipes so I can scrub the pantry shelf down and hopefully bring some floral goodness back to my house. Well, if I thought the giant poo wall was bad, nothing compares to the Poo Demon that is lingering in the laundry facilities. OMG! I almost lost the breakfast I hadn't had a chance to eat yet! Then I have a flashback to a conversation Jon and I had after I got home from church yesterday.

Me: "Hey Jon, why is there a kitchen chair on the porch?"
Jon: "Because Hunter spilled a giant bowl of cereal PLUS milk all over it and we took it outside to clean it off."

So, the moral of this story is: If you spill milk and use a BATH TOWEL to clean it up, immediately put BATH TOWEL into the washer along with soap and wash it.

Milk + towel + humid laundry room located in Texas = one nasty odor


Shannon said...

Oh! I was so curious as to what the smell was going to be! With a house full of kids and pets you can never tell! And yes, spoiled milk is NASTY!! Yuck! Oh, and yes, i ahve done the sniff test in my home too, Keith says I have the nose of a bloodhound, but really I just can't stand the stink! LOL

Anonymous said...

That's what my car smells like...Bella spilled a whole container of chocolate milk on the floor during our trip home from Tucson. I still haven't tried to get the smell out. It's always worse when I get in after the car's been sitting in the sun.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if it is the most minute spot on the planet, It smells worse than anything else. Except maybe a dead body of any sort, car, mouse etc.So was the potato even a factor from Mom

Anonymous said...

That was supposed to be cat, not car.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Yuck! I can barely ride in James' car b/c of the rotten milk smell!! LOL
Glad you found it!

Ashley said...

no the potato wasn't even a factor. But, it would have been a factor on say Saturday... one smell that is also pretty rank is fermented orange juice. Not once but TWICE when we had our other minivan, a can of concentrated oj fell out of my shopping bag and rolled under the seat. Where it rotted/fermented and exploded. It was awful. We had to take the seats out, shampoo the carpet, and ride with the windows down for a month. Now, when I buy frozen juice I make the clerk tie a knot in and double bag the sack

Kelli said...

In our apartment in Irving, we kept smelling something, and found a bag of potatoes up on top of our stackable dryer/washer that had literally LIQUIFIED. It was this dark green/black and it was horrible.

Ashley said...

Ok I am officially gagging. Liquefied rotten potatoes that were probably warm...