Thursday, June 5, 2008

Take 2 of these and call me in the morning

I am not exactly sure what is wrong with me but it sucks. I have the worst headache ever and my fever keeps climbing. So weird how fevers rise at night. I am not as weak, thankfully. I have to tell you though I have a new best friend: Vicodin. It's amazing what 2 Vicodin, a warm bath, and a new magazine will do when you are sick. It's almost blissful... almost.


Anonymous said...

i am so sorry you feel bad. moms are not supposed to be sick. i really hope you feel better in the morning. love, your husband.

Kelli said...

Yuck, I'm sorry. Hopefully it clears up soon, without a visit to the doctor.

Krista said...

Man, I think you guys have had your fair share of the sickies. Get better soon;)

Ashley said...

I know, it sucks.