Wednesday, June 4, 2008

WTF ! ? !

Today I worked up the courage to speak to Chandler's "bio-dad". We were at the beginning of what I was hoping would be a decent conversation about life, the past week's events, etc. when my other line rings. I look at the caller i.d. see that it says the high school is calling and decide they can leave a message. I figured it was Chandler's chemistry teacher calling. He was in danger of failing her class because of a few important papers he didn't get turned in because he was having surgery. She had already emailed me the good news that he had passed, so I thought maybe she wanted to make sure I knew. Not two seconds later my cell phone rings, and I am thinking she must be super proud he passed and really needs to make sure I know it. So, with my cordless in one hand and my cell in the other, I answer the phone with: "hi, Mrs. So and So, I got your email, that's great news. I am on a super important phone call, can I get back to you?" And this is what was screamed in my ear: "NO, THIS IS NOT MRS. SO AND SO. THIS IS MS. ALLEN. YOU NEED TO COME GET YOUR SON IMMEDIATELY. HE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR. HE NEEDS TO LEAVE CAMPUS IMMEDIATELY. HE CAUSED AN UPROAR IN THE CAFETERIA. HE CAN COME NEXT WEEK TO TAKE HIS FINAL EXAMS!" And, I was like umm okay... WTF was that?
So, I try and end the call with "bio-dad" as quick as humanly possible, and get dressed so I can go pick up my juvenile-never been in trouble- before delinquent. When I get there he walks out the doors to greet me, and he knows I am pissed. I storm in there to talk to her or anyone of authority and of course they are too busy, but I can call them later if I want to. Excuse me? So, I calmly grab Chan and we head to get Hayden. So, here's what happened: There was a fist fight in one corner of the cafeteria. In the opposite corner there sits Chan and his friends. You've seen photos. They bring brown bag lunches, play guitar, and they all wear glasses. Kids whose idea of fun is to spin on the Merry-go-Round til they barf. Hardly dangerous children. They are goofing off, having fun, playing with their empty soda bottles. Just being kids who are fixing to be set free for 3 whole months. Rock on! Well, MS. ALLEN sees them acting goofy and sees Chan squeeze his empty Mountain Dew bottle til the lid pops off and shoots up in the air. She loses it. She orders him out of his seat straight to the office. They proceed to walk to the office where she tells him he could have started a bigger fight, where he could have caused chaos, where he could be charged with disorderly conduct, and where she could have had him fined by the cops to the tune of $500. And, my personal fave, she said he could have "incited a riot." Is she f*c$!^g kidding me? He was stunned, as am I. That woman was pissed! I haven't been yelled at like that in years. Poor Chan, he really isn't a bad kid. However, she may have yelled at me like that because my darling son told her she was ridiculous and laughed the whole way to the office. So, Chan is starting Summer break early. And, Jon and I will be talking with MS. ALLEN tomorrow morning. Oh boy!


Kelli said...

Oooh, tell me how that goes. Stupid wench.

Kelli said...

And I'm surprised they suspended him. Couldn't the person REALLY in charge look at his record and cut him some slack?

Erica said...

Those stinkin' witchy end-of-the-year teachers! As I have been there before, I was always a rip-roaring *itch the last few days and always overreacted, just because I was so worn out and the kids were so darn excited. But, teachers and administrators tend to overreact - big time - thinking some Columbine crap will happen and ruin the end of school, like maybe they'll have to work an extra hour or so. Not making excuses for them, in fact, I side with Chandler on this one.

Shannon said...

Ewww! I am excited to see how this one plays out! Keep us posted!

Ashley said...

Ok, so I am home from talking to the folks at school. Of course no principal was there, they are all at a funeral. So, I talked to some other chick. She told me that Chandler supposedly threw an empty jello container as well. He denies this. She also said that due to constant chaos and fighting the last few days of school, the current principal has a zero tolerance policy for any mischief. So, kids are automatically suspended regardless of how minor their offense is. I mean, it's a dumb reason but I can't really turn back time he already missed today, half day yesterday and tomorrow. It won't go on his permanent record, which is good. I guess MS. ALLEN will be calling me tomorrow with her version of events.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Oh my gosh!! Thats just horrible! Suspending a kid for something dumb like that? Totally ridiculous. Well...Chandler is hilarious and like you said...ROCK ON. Ü

Krista said...

I would be soooo pissed!!! Don't suspend my good kid for something soooo stupid!!! I would have gone off on someone. I don't care if there is no tolerance. Then give him detention if you really feel like he did something bad. Don't suspend him!!! Good grief. Can you say 'overreacting'????

Shauna said...
