Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Golden Girls

Are you there Blanche? It's me Dorothy. So, I was at Wal-Mart once again for paper towels and apple butter for Hayden's class and I saw the cutest thing. I am cruising up the aisle that goes longways across the back of the store, and I see this older lady talking on her cell phone, asking the person on the other end "where are you? I'm on aisle 7."
Now, I rarely see the 75+ crowd on cell phones or a computer for that matter, but when I do I think it's kinda funny. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw another older lady followed by a man on a scooter talking on HER cell phone. So, naturally I slow down because I'm nosey and a little intrigued. Lo and behold I hear the second lady say "I can't see you, where are you ?"
So I pipe in, on the off chance they're together "she's over there" and I point at the first lady. They immediately turn the corner, bump into one another, look over at me and we all start cracking up in the middle of Wal-Mart. It was really funny and so cute. I imagine me and Erin in 30 or 40 years doing the same thing.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what the husband thought of that? You and Erin will probably have a tracking device sustem on your carts by the time you get that old.

Anonymous said...

I really can spell, I just forget to check for typos.

Ashley said...

That's ok mom, I have to edit these posts a million times and they are still probably not punctuated correctly.