Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Hooter-iffic Evening

Tonight me and Jon took the kids to the Halloween store Spirit to look at decorations and pick out costumes. We had a blast looking at all of the neat and scary goodies. All that playing around got us pretty hungry. So we stopped at Hooters! I had always been pretty apprehensive about going there, especially with the kids. But I admit I was curious. And honestly lately I realized it wasn't a big deal. I know how that sounds. I never really thought of the kids view of it, especially the boys. I guess I was like alot of women and wasn't sure I wanted Jon or the boys to go there. But, I figured it wouldn't hurt to go ONE time. It was so not what I expected. For starters the girls are all barely over the age of 12. And the food is definitely not the reason people go. Plus, there were so many TV's playing football games that the boys barely paid any attention to the girls. Except Chloe who notices everything, she was confused by the waitresses "dark legs" and tall socks. The boys behaved very well. And Chloe and Hayden colored the entire time. So, we've been there done that and I don't think I'll ever be a Hooters girl. (employee or patron!)


Kelli said...

I know, I went there once with some of my theatre friends, and the food was awful. It's like, eh, no biggie.

James said...

Never been to Hooters, guess we aren't missing much. Although I do want to go to that Halloween store :-)