Sunday, September 9, 2007

Oops she did it again!

Poor Britney. I was pulling for you girl. I am by no means a Britney Spears fan, but I have eagerly awaited her MTV video music awards performance. I have worried about her and the poor choices she has made since K-Fed came into her life. I am definitely being a mother hen. I don't even know the girl, but feel as if she needs some serious help. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors? But she has chosen to go where the cameras are and frankly doesn't seem to care how bad she looks or how bad she behaves. What I saw tonight was like a deer in the headlights meets a lost little puppy. I don't think she was ready and more than ever I think she needs to stay away from the cameras and focus more on being the best mom she can. Sorry just my two cents worth. Silly post coming from me. But, I feel like I lost some brain cells watching that show. I kept hoping she'd perform again and redeem herself. Me thinks she came out for her big "comeback" too soon. What do you think? Oh, by the way I would kill for her body. I have heard alot of talk about her poochy tummy. Sad huh?


Shannon said...

ooo, i missed it! I have been waiting to see her "comeback" hopefully I can catch it on perez! not that I read that site or anything... :)

Anonymous said...

just kidding. I suck at posting links, or i would have. I think TMZ has it.

Shannon said...

I saw it...strange. It is pretty sad that it has come to this. She could've done so much more! I hate how she lip synchs...and I also hate how everyone comments that she looks "fat", I thought that she looked great, that was the only plus to the performance!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. If only I could look that "fat"!

James said...

I agree Ashley, the comeback was too soon.