Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sweet Tooth

Since I found out I was pregnant it's been like constant PMS. Which for me means I crave sweets. Some people crave them all the time but I got this hot bod by eating like a man. Steaks, chips, cheese in any form, wings, tacos, burgers, etc. I am really not a sweets person unless it's "that time" of the month or I happen to be somewhere sweets are offered, like a party. But since the moment those seven tests showed up positive, I can't get enough sugar. Cookies, brownies, cakes, ice cream, candy bars, and on and on... It's insane and rather embarrassing. I normally don't keep sweets in the house simply because they don't last as long as it takes to unload the rest of the groceries from the car. The only sweets we have at our house now are one box of sugar cookie mix and granola bars. So not gonna cut it. Which is why I begged Jon to run to 7-11 at midnight for a Snickers bar. We also needed milk, the candy bar was simply an afterthought... He came back from the store and I pretended like I didn't hear him come in, I didn't want to seem too eager. He plops the milk on the couch and says: "crap, I got the milk but forgot your candy bar." Huh? I try (rather convincingly) to act like it doesn't matter. I assure him that it's no big deal, I didn't even need it... And then, right at that moment I remember we have one row left in a box of Oreos! Yeehaw! So, I wait until he's in bed (gotta keep the act of I don't need sweets up) and go searching for the Oreos. Nada! I am getting mad, much like I would picture a freaking junkie. And, then I go shake him awake and ask where the Oreos are. And this is what he said, "oh, I ate them, there was only a few left." And I am all like "whatever, there was a whole row left which is at least 10." I think I may have cried, but only a little. And, then I ate a granola bar. I have to tell you I strongly considered going back to the store. But, I am not wearing a bra and nobody wants to see that, not even the vagrants that hang around the 7-11...


Kelli said...

I was never a sweets gal much, either, until I got pregnant with Ewan. And it's still going. Bakes goods - mmmmmm....

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Man that sucks! Men! lol. I hope you get to go and stock up on sweets today! Find yourself a good hiding place, too :).

Krista said...

That is too funny! I am a total sweets person!! And yes, go find yourself a hiding place or you will just keep running out! A granola bar just doesn't compare;)

Erica said...

Oh girl, I can relate!!! I was that way about the Fritos when I craved Frito Pie 40 meals in a row. Jeremy almost lost a limb over that bag of Fritos. I'll have a sweet here for you when you come over. :)

Shannon said...

you know, probably 80% of the time i crave savory, but when that sweets craving kicks in it is FIERCE! Like it NEEDS to be satisfied RIGHT. NOW. I feel for ya! :(

Ashley said...

Ok, so I bought 3 bags of cookie mix (the easy way...) and Jon brought me a Snickers, so I should be ok til tomorrow...

Lois Brown said...

you are funny! Unfortunately I alwasy eat sweets! But I sure do hope you get some and hide them for future needs!