Monday, March 23, 2009

No gas allowed!

I found this funny story on Yahoo news. Thank goodness they don't have this rule in our school district... that I know of.

LAKELAND, Fla. – An eighth-grader was suspended from riding the school bus for three days after being accused of passing gas. The bus driver wrote on a misbehavior form that a 15-year-old teen was passing gas on the bus Monday to make the other children laugh, creating a stench so bad that it was difficult to breathe. The bus driver handed the teen the suspension form the next day.

Polk County school officials said there's no rule against flatulence, but there are rules against causing a disturbance on the bus.

The teen said he wasn't the one passing gas.

Whether he did it or not, he might have gotten off easy. A 13-year-old student at a Stuart school was arrested in November after authorities said he broke wind in class.

P.S. I am just curious- can you really control the level of stench voluntarily? And if so, can someone teach me how?


Shannon said...

hahahahahaha! now that is some funny stuff right there! Can you imagine? getting in trouble b/c you had bad gas?

Hey, lets think up more ways to torment the poor gassy kid, who probably has acne, glasses, and braces on top of all of it!

Krista said...


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Thats just a tad retarded if you ask me ;). Bus drivers cause all sorts of problems!!

Kelli said...

He who smelt it dealt it.

That's what the kid should have said to the bus driver.

I read it, too. I think there HAS to be more to this story that isn't being reported