Thursday, March 19, 2009

That not so fresh feeling...

Nothing grosses me out quite like someone with dirty teeth. And, tonight I saw the worst set of teeth I think I have ever seen on a human being... I really had to stop myself from inviting this woman home with me so I could loan her some Crest and a toothbrush. She had so much plaque that at first I thought she had braces or an extra row of teeth. But is was ALL plaque. And, it looked like rocks you would put in a fish bowl. GROSS! I always wonder how a person's teeth can get that way. I realize that not everyone can afford the dentist. I mean we couldn't growing up unless we had a cavity or something. But, my parents had nine children and food and clothes came first. I never saw the dentist until I was 18 and never got a cavity until I was 30, which devastated me beyond belief, but that's a story for another day. Seriously though a toothbrush and toothpaste can be had for cheap- hello Dollar General! I am not trying to be mean, but I was so disturbed by this woman's teeth that I'm not sure I can go back to that particular store again. The first thing I did when I got home was brush and floss my teeth.

P.S. I dare you to Google bad teeth. So-freaking-nasty.


Lois Brown said...

No thank you! I'll take your word for it! I know exactly what you mean!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Yikes! Thats just nasty....going to brush my teeth now!

Anonymous said...

You make me and Dad sound terrible about the dentist. I know not all of our offspring waited until 18 because Jeremy had a cap and Amy had a couple of fillings. Chris had braces and he lost his retainer in the MTC. Love Mom

Kelli said...

Mom, no one thinks you and dad are terrible. At all.

Ashley said...

Spare me mom. I don't think people think that. I am not sure many people with 9 kids whose mom stayed home and dad was self employed had half what we did. I woud much rather have had decent clothes and good food than a dental visit! I enjoy the dentist now but even with my own spouse being self employed make sure I go when I can. In the meantime I brush and floss daily.