Saturday, January 17, 2009


Girl Scout cookies went on sale today. We bought four boxes from my friend's daughter Ave. It only took one hour for three of us to finish one box. Lucky for us the doorbell rang and another Girl Scout came a callin'. I said no, we didn't need any more. But, Jon chased her down anyway and bought another box. Jon is buying me a treadmill tomorrow. I think I may have Thin Mints running through my veins....


Leanne said...

I bought four boxes the other day from a friend's daughter. I laid down for a nap and when I woke up there were three left in one of the boxes. I found out after probing everyone that the 5 year old had eaten almost the entire box in an hour. I had to hide the rest of the boxes. Why are Girl Scout Cookies so darn irresistable.

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh! Seriously? She may need to sleep with a bucket...

Erica said...

Oh man...I NEED some Samoas. Seriously. Like bad. And why won't the Girl Scouts come knocking on my door??? The porch light is on....

Ashley said...

Oh honey I've got the hookup. I have SEVERAL neighbors selling them. Seriously I am wondering if the box of peanut butter cookies we ate is tied to the recall??? Knowing my luck it is....

Missy said...

Ah... brings back memories. :) At least there's quite a few less in the box than there used to be.

Krista said...

Oh yum!!! I love thin mints!!! I wish they would come knocking at my door too. Thankfully, they usually camp out at the grocery stores! I'm going to have to go looking!

Shannon said...

Oooo, trouble in them thar cookies! they are just TOOO good!

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

Are you Serious? I can finish a box in 15 min flat!

Anonymous said...

Ummm---I ate almost a box a day for a few days there. I am soooooooooooo glad they are gone! I just can't handle that kind of temptation!
