Friday, January 23, 2009

Just being honest!

I am pretty sure Erica tagged me... I know she tagged an Ashley M. hopefully she meant me. If not, I am doing it anyway! I am supposed to tell 10 totally honest things about me. Now, I am a pretty open book but I am not sure I can think of 10 things you don't already know. However, I am up for the challenge. Here goes:

1. Sometimes I just don't feel like washing my hair. I'll go up to 4 days with it dirty and it doesn't smell so hot or look very pretty. So, I just put 2 ponytails in it and throw on a cap and presto, I look cute. I would be mortified if anyone saw me with greasy hair!

2. I won't let company inside my house if it's less than perfectly clean. I feel like people are judging me if it's not immaculate. So, if you pop in on me, you're not getting in if the house is dirty. Sorry, but it's true.

3. I sleep with my hand in the waist band of my pajamas. Ya know- like Al Bundy. I like to sleep with my hand on my tummy and one too many times I have fallen asleep and my hand fell off my stomach and freaked me out, it felt like I was falling off a cliff or something. So, if my hand is in my waistband (no lower!) it's protected from falling.

4. Even though I consider myself girly, I can't stand being treated girly. Like when Jon tries to help me up or when some poor dude at the store tries to help me with a case of water or a giant bag of dog food. I am not crippled! Don't let my fat butt fool you, I am very strong and I don't need help. Got it?

5. I have a major weakness for cold cake with an even colder glass of milk. It has to be butter recipe yellow with chocolate frosting and 1% milk. I can stand there with a fork (only plasticware, so I can drop the evidence in the trash) and eat my weight in cake. Step away or you might lose an appendage. Really. It just so happens that Hunter's cake is waiting for me now and my husband is out of town...

6. This one's bad! Sometimes I HAVE TO pick my nose... I am turning red typing this. But, I have sinuses from you know where and sometimes only a finger will do. But, no worries: I wash my hands before and after and I always have a kleenex. No, I am not the type to pick, roll, and flick. That is just gross.

7. I hide my shopping from Jon, ALOT. Almost every time I go for groceries I stop at Target, Lane Bryant, or Old Navy first. Then, I bring my bags in with a handful of groceries and when he's out in the car getting the other stuff I run to the closet and hide my non food items. If I am being really sneaky, I write a check. That way he never finds out. If I debit, he knows immediately. Checks only show up on the monthly statement and I get the mail.

8. Speaking of mail, I can't wait until the mail comes each day. I have been known to check the mail box 5 times before the mail lady actually shows up. I am especially anxious on Fridays when I get People and Us Weekly or when I know a package is coming. I hate postal holidays. I am not sure what I am expecting, but the mail is one of the highlights of my day.

9. I am afraid I am gonna be fat forever. I have a major problem with food. I just love the way food tastes and I don't even have to be hungry. If I see it I want it. Commercials for restaurants are not my friend.

10. I am a blog stalker. And, I know lots of people are. But, sometimes I'll look at someone's blog and instantly feel like crap about myself. Like if they have more comments, a better background, amazing photos, or they just seem too perfect to be true. I have been told by a few of my blogger friends that I am not the only one who feels that way. I have drastically toned down the blog stalking, which has helped tremendously.

There you have it! 10 honestly way too honest facts about me. I am so scared to hit publish!!! Number 6 is so embarrassing!! Now I have to tag 7 people and they are Kelli, Sarah, Krista, Lois, Kirsten, Grace, and Shannon. Have fun and be honest!


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Man oh man! I'm gonna have to get started on this tag...see what I can reveal about myself ;).
But I have to say...#5, 6, 7 and 9 would have made my list, too!

Dolly said...

Hi, my name is Dolly and I hide my shopping treasures too:) We have so much in common-it's scary!

Erica said...

Thank you for playing! Yes, it was you for sure. I rely on you to make me laugh!!! :) Mmmmm...cake.

Krista said...

I think a lot of yours are the same as mine. I'm not sure if I want to do this one;)

Lois Brown said...

I will do this tag and I never do tags just because it was you that tagged me! But I will be doing it like on Monday becuase I have to think about what on earth I could possible say! Plus I'm trying to get the last of my pay it forward done before I post other things and then I need to post a couple of other items...but by Monday I'll be there! I just didn't want you to think I wasn't going to do it! Ha!

Kelli said...

I might have to copy a couple of yours. The cake thing and mail thing totally apply to me as well. Oh, and the food thing.

K said...

UGH! I forgot to tell you that despite my current post, I hate tags - especially "be honest" tags. You're toast, sista, you're toast!


Ashley said...

I like jelly on my toast Kirsten, or cinnamon or honey...
Just do the tag! It's fun and oh so liberating!

Lois- you're so funny!

It's funny how so many of us have the same issues. And, I thought I was unique...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being real---and making me chuckle a few times! :-) Blessings, joy

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

We are soul sista's on 7 and 9! ok, and I blog stalk too! but I CANT remember the last time I was actually hungry--food is just too good to wait for an appetite!

Lois Brown said...

O.K. I did it...I hope your happy! J/K love you!

Shannon said...

Oooo, this is a good one! So funny! And isn't it crazy how many of us DO have the same hidden "weaknesses" (if you can call them that!), makes me not feel so alone! I will TRY to do this one, but I am not sure if I am brave enough, or if I have enough skeletons in my closet that everyone doesn't know already!