Monday, January 26, 2009


I could have titled this pet peeves, but I think I did one of those before... Anyway- call me anal or whatever, but there are some things that just annoy me so bad! When you share a house with 5 other people and 3 animals there are bound to be things that irritate you.

I can't stand when the kids use my toothpaste and get the end where the toothpaste comes out all crusty. It takes lots of elbow grease and hot water to get the crust off. When you finally get it clean and go to squirt it on your own toothbrush a giant bubble of water mixed with paste squirts out instead. Gross!

It annoys me to no end when I am putting clothes away in the closets and I encounter empty hangers, mixed in with the clothes no less. Ugghh! I am cool with empty hangers being in the closet, they just need to be grouped at the end of the rod or something...

Why oh why when I am starving and trying to stuff my face with food does my husband start telling me some long drawn out story? I like adult conversation and I want to hear what he's saying. I may even want to respond, but I'm hungry! Just wait til I'm done eating. Never interrupt a foodie trying to eat.

When one of my lovely children (usually Chandler) gets in the shower in the kid's bathroom when I am in the tub in my bathroom and proceeds to use all the hot water. Not sure why that bathroom would dominate the pipes, that is just all sorts of wrong. It's called THE MASTER BATHROOM for a reason...

Without fail at least once a week right when I am about to pass out from exhaustion Jon will go into the bathroom for his nightly "sabbatical". This prevents me from getting ready for bed. Ya know contact removal, brushing teeth with crusty toothpaste, etc. impossible. No, I don't do my business while he's on "sabbatical" we don't have that kind of relationship. What he does in the bathroom is none of my business.

And a few Hall of Famers:

when people stop by unannounced
chipped nail polish
dogs who bark before 7 for breakfast
cats who walk between my feet when I am busy
fish who bite my finger when I am dropping in food
husbands that snore

Ok, I am done. I just realized I was sounding a bit anal.


Kelli said...

I. hate. when. people. come. by. unannounced. Very. much.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

i lost it completely on the "sabatical" rant...lolol...

Lois Brown said...

funny! I agree with the coming by unannounced as well.

Candy Babina said...

Ashley you are TOO funny......I love it. It's good to get things off of your chest (so to speak).

Shannon said...

Oh man! I am glad I am not the only one with a list of pet peeves. And yes, DUDE, do NOT show up without at least calling when you are 5 mins away, I could be half naked! Be prepared to wait while I put a bra on!

I will call someone, and even if I drive by and see the car in the drive and they know I am coming by sometime that morning, if they don't pick up the phone I won't stop. I don't want to be rude!