Sunday, September 21, 2008

Me: On a Diet

I'm not really starving... but I think I may be starving. I am trying so hard. At first I wasn't gonna blog about this because I didn't wanna jinx myself and my efforts. But, I figured what do I have to lose? It's not like I am gonna be a babe tomorrow or anything. I have a long road ahead of me. I have started this journey many times. I have even tried out for The Biggest Loser- twice. But, this time it feels different. For starters, this time I am praying. For strength, courage, and that I can have a clear and open mind about what my body needs to function properly. It sure doesn't need Ding Dongs and Coke. Plus, I am relying on faith, because as the saying goes it can move mountains. Surely it can help me get a smaller butt. Basically I have been eating smaller portions, and incorporating more fruits and veggies. I didn't even have a piece of bread for 5 whole days. That's a big deal. Then there's that lovely, fizzy, brown deliciousness- Coca Cola. That has been the hardest. The headaches the first 5 days were excruciating, from lack of caffeine. I have been guzzling water and am developing a taste for Diet Coke. That hurt to type by the way... I never thought I'd be able to give up the regular. I have exercised in some way, shape, or form every day for the past 7 days. And, while I won't tell you how much I currently weigh or what I have lost, I will give you a hint. I probably weigh more than you and I have lost the equivalent of a bag of sugar. I'll let you decide which size I am referring to. I am praying that I will be successful this go round, and here's hoping I have many more weight loss triumphs to share. Wish me luck!


Ronny said...

Good luck Ashley! You can do it. It will be a tough journey but it just takes commitment and determination! I feel for you about giving up coke, I don't think I could give that up myself :)

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Good job Ashley! You are definitely on the right path! And I don't know if I could ever resort to diet soda! It would be nice to not drink it all together...but who knows if that will ever happen!
Keep it up!!

Erica said...

Go, go, go! You can do it! Meg has school on Tues/Thurs. Want to meet and walk some mornings?

Faintastic! said...

Welcome to thge Diet Coke dark side. Pretty soon you'll be trying to sell the children for a fix!

Cheree said...

Very cool. We should start a diet blog. I’ve been trying to think of ways to make myself more accountable for the food I put down the pie hole.
I too have tried to banish all coke. Coke really is evil (every can is 1.5 miles worth of running. . . . ) I’m down to probably one a week. Not sure what you think about this – but my “replacement” for coke has been tea. I am now a tea snob (there is some really good tea out there! – my favorite is actually special ordered from a café.) Anywho – good luck! (and I’m serious about the diet blog if that’s something you’d like to do). :-)

Kelli said...

yay, Ashley. You are better than I am. I think I'd give up Coke completely before I could let myself even finish half of a Diet Coke. It is too bad we aren't closer, we could walk in the mornings.

Krista said...

Way to go!!! I'm hoping to lose my baby weight now!! Hopefully we can look good for the holidaysÜ Good luck!! And don't forget to treat yourself every now and then. Coke Zero is yummy. It doesn't have that diet taste to it. I'm having one right now;)

Krista said...

And love the new look!!!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

LOVE IT!! These colors are awesome!

Ashley said...

Wow, I really appreciate all of the support. It really means alot to me. Cheree- I already started a diet blog awhile ago but only posted a few times. I walk daily in my neighborhood, Erica you are more than welcome to join me, and Kel- maybe someday we'll live close enough. I seriously have a year of hard work before it's gone. I have a certain goal in my head, we'll see if I can make it by Christmas.

Missy said...

You should join our W3! You don't actually have to do Weight Watchers, but having somewhere more public to post how much you lose every week is definitely pretty good motivation!

You could always drink Diet Coke. I know it's like "the dark side" and aspartame isn't exactly good for you either, but at least it doesn't have calories!