Monday, September 29, 2008

All About Me

No, I didn't get tagged, I just can't think of a single thing to blog about. So, I am gonna give you some embarrassing facts about me. Have a good laugh at my expense!

I sleep in my makeup. No, I don't do it to look pretty while I sleep, I'm just lazy.

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 21. I had been driving since I was 15, even getting a ticket for driving without a license. I was just too busy working and taking care of Chandler to bother with it. My mom drove me everywhere.

I was a bed wetter, until 7th grade. Nothing more to say about that, except my brother's liked to call me Frito Factory. Very humiliating...

Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth before bed. I'll fall asleep watching TV and crawl to bed. Gross, I know. But, I went until I was 31 before I ever got a cavity and haven't had one since.

I own more bras than one woman should be allowed. Try more than 15, not counting sports bras.

I try to be a dog person, but they drive me bananas. I see people with their cute puppies in their house or car and think I could do it too, but I can't.

I have only farted in front of Jon twice in 14 years, once when I was in labor with Hunter so it doesn't really count.

I am the nosiest person on earth. I am serious. I look in windows, cars, and I ask lots of questions. I try and act friendly, but really I am being nosey.

My family has never had folded socks in their drawers. Ever. They get them from a basket. Actually two of them.

I am so proud of my red hair. I'm kinda vain about it, which isn't good. But, whenever I found out that only 1 to 2% of the world's population had red hair, I felt pretty darn lucky.

I'm not much of a candy person, which judging by my curvy figure might be a shock. But, I only crave sweets occasionally. This body came from cheese and Coke. Lots of it.

I'm a yeller. And an occasional cusser. Ok, more than occasional. Trying to work on that...

So, I hope you are enlightened now that you know all these random Ashley facts. Wish me luck on finding something to blog about.


Anonymous said...

Ok, that killed me. You crack me up! I love your red hair too. I think it's so pretty. I can't believe you never fart in front of your husband. You're such a lady :o) Good reading, thanks for sharing.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Dude! These are great! It's nice to know more about ya Ü!
And I seriously cannot believe you have only farted in front of Jon once! LOL...James and I are seriously disgusting!

Shannon said...

Um, I loved, loved this list! And ditto to what Sarah said, holy cow, we fart way to much, i mean, we NEVER EVER fart either! uh...yeah. And I love being nosy! It's fun!

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

Minus the red hair (since it is so rare!) We have a dang lot in common. You're adorable and you crack me up!

Ashley said...

Aww, last comment! Thanks so much. You are too sweet!

Anonymous said...

Your Mom drove you everywhere. SCARY. No REALLY SCARY!!!