Saturday, October 25, 2008

Meet me at the flagpole...

Yesterday when Hayden got in the car after school he informed me that he got into a fight at recess and that he was in bad trouble. He is grinning the whole time he is saying it so I totally thought he was pulling my leg. Then he showed me this:

So, I asked him what happened and this was his "story". A boy named Johnny (seriously...) asked him to play Ninja Turtles. So, Hayden obliged and they started playing Ninja Turtles. I guess Ninja Turtles is wrestling and ninja moves with a little kung fu/Bruce Lee mixed in. And, evidently alot of punching. Johnny punches REAL HARD according to Hayden. So, Hayden recruited back-up. In the form of four other boys. So, pretty soon 6 little boys were slapping, kicking, and punching each other. At one point they even fell into a massive snarling heap only to jump up and play more Ninja Turtles. Some of the kids took it really serious, while others were still "playing". Eventually the teachers noticed and separated everyone. No one called me. I mean Hayden is a shy, quiet, sweet little boy and is a little goofy and I really feel as if was really "playing". I can't speak for the other boys. Hayden can be a brat, but he would never be intentionally violent or mean. Until he's provoked. So, being as yesterday was Friday and all I got was a note I can only go on what my kid said. But, I do know this: for some odd reason he thought it was funny. I am scratching my head over it because Hayden is so not that way. Anyway, I asked him if he was hurt and he said "not that bad." We are on bruise watch, so far nothing. I never thought in a million years my little Hayden would get in trouble. Ever. He's never had bad behavior at school. So odd. And in 1st grade no less!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I wish I was a fly on the playground to see this take place. Sounds hilarious.