Monday, February 25, 2008

Dear Coke,

I am so sorry to "Dear John" you like this. But, our relationship has got to end. I know, I know, I love you too. But, I have come to depend on you too much. I mean, you do taste amazing, but I just gotta say NO! It has gotten to the point where I feel panicky if you are not around, I am gagging on water, and where I order you with pancakes at IHOP, yuck! Your cousin Dr. Pepper and I are gonna have a talk too. I promise I will order you when I go out to dinner at a sit down restaurant, but never again anywhere else. No 20 ouncers after I grocery shop, not one with a cookie when I've had a bad day, not one when I read US Weekly every Friday with my Chick-Fil-A. I am gonna try my darndest to quit you cold turkey. I quit smoking cold turkey 13 years ago, I can do it now. Sure, I'll dream I am drinking of your cold, brown, fizzy, goodness just like I dream that I still smoke. At first I'll have to ease off a little slow, and buy a couple of those squatty little cans, and then after a week or so I'll be able to quit you all together. My hope is that I'll forget how good you taste after awhile. I know I can do it. I will miss you dearly. You have become a good friend. You don't judge me, you're dependable. You pretty much rock. But, the first step is admitting you have a problem, and I am taking my first step. You'll be ok without me, maybe Kelli can pick up my slack. I don't know though, she may wanna quit you too. I know I am doing the right thing. I have been setting a bad example for my children. I know that they, along with my teeth, my bones, and my waistline will be forever grateful.
Always in my heart,
P.S. can a scratch-n-sniff cola sticker be used as a patch to quit drinking Cokes? I think I might try it...

Ashley's last Coke


Erica said...

Good luck. You know, you don't have to end it. You can have an affair like, once a month. That's the arrangement Dr. Pepper and I have...

Anonymous said...

you know coke I was once dear johned and it turned out that I got her back.

Ashley not doubting you at all just giving coke some support

Ashley said...

Oh man, that's gotta be Bryce!

Kelli said...

I've been thinking the same thing. Although I can't promise only at sit-down restaurants. Fast-food Cokes deserve some love, too.

Ashley said...

Yes, I agree. But, the only thing about a fast food coke, is when you get home and it's nasty or worse yet tea, and you can't send it back!

Shannon said...

I wish you good luck! I love me some Dr. Pepper now and again! I would never call myself addicted, but I do crave it everyonce in a while. The funniest time, was this last week when I was sick, I woke up at 2 in the morning and HAD to have one, of course it was 2 days before either of us felt good enough to go out of the house to fetch me one! That was a long 2 days, let me tell you! Um, yeah so anyway (longest commment ever) good luck and we will all support you!

Krista said...

Good Luck!!! That's a tough one! I need to quit too but I just don't have it in me just yet. I hope it works for ya.

Anonymous said...

cola gummies are good. they're even shaped like coke bottles.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Cold turkey is a biotch...but you can do it!
I would say I'm going to cut down on my lover Dr Pepper...but someone's gotta keep me company at 4am!
These comments all crack me up...
we all have "love affairs" with our sodas! They are our dirty mistresses!

Ashley said...

So far today hasn't got too great. I had an orange juice this morning and then broke down and got a Dr Pepper. Bad, I know. But, I had a caffeine headache and they don't just have cold bottles of Excedrin sitting at the registers! And yeah, I'll have to try those there cola gummies. Surely my butt won't get fatter from a sugary gummy candy!

Krista said...

Haha!!! I used Sarah's friends idea to do a blog for their Relief Society since I'm the secretary and I didn't realize I was signed in as that!! Too funny!! Oops!!

Ashley said...

Ok, so I have to clarify something: I started smoking pretty young,(age 12) and quit cold turkey when I found out I was having Chandler. I would smoke here and there after he was born, but never anywhere near him. It was a very sporadic thing. After I met Jon and the "newness" wore off, I started smoking again. Then, I got pregnant with Hunter, and quit for real.