Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good fortune, Hannah Montana, and a diagnosis

To say today was busy would be a giant understatement. After getting the kids off to school, I headed to the gastroenterologist. I finally know what's wrong: I have an ulcer and IBS. Yes, I will spare you the gory details. You're welcome. I am now on ulcer meds and a high fiber diet. Afterwards, Jon and I did something we haven't done in ages... no not that! We went driving around looking at houses, and even went into a few model homes. Talk about daydreaming, we found a house that seems like it was built for our family. The problem is, a family our size needs a house that is majorly expensive. But, it was fun to imagine. We then went on to PF Changs, yay! Except, Jon hogged the lettuce wraps! We barely got home in time to pick up the kids and get homework started. Then, Chloe and I were off again, to visit Kelli and the boys and then to see this. It was absolutely adorable. Miley Cyrus is so cute! I definitely think she is a very good role model, and she seems to have a heart of gold. We had to wait in a huge line full of kids of all sizes in wigs, glitter, and leggings. It was worth it, and the digital 3D was awesome. It is so much better than the old 3D. That movie made me want to be 12 again, complete with my old Chuck Taylors, fingerless gloves, and bubblegum pink lip gloss. I am so gonna get Chloe's Hannah Montana cds and stick them in the car. I highly recommend this movie for any family that has little girls, it was really fun! So, there you have it. I am finally home and exhausted! Before I go, I want to share my fortune from lunch. Ok, one I found on the floor. I took it as a sign that it was meant for me, I didn't like what my other one said.

Ashley's fortune: The courage to be great lies deep within each of us.


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Im glad you got it figured out and are on medication now! Hopefully it helps!!

Ashley said...

Thanks, me too. It will take about ten days for relief, but I am happy! Go fiber!

Krista said...

Wow! What a day. I had IBS too and it is so not fun. I was going to ask you if that was what was wrong with your stomach. It so sucks. I found that acidophilus pills worked really good for me because it helps to put good bacteria in your intestines so it helps with digestion. I think mine is in a dormant stage and comes on when I am stressed. So stop stressing!!! That might help;)

Ashley said...

Man, if I could find a way to stop stressing that would be great!

Anonymous said...

Yes, stop stressing!!!!!!! I here cleaning house and welcoming your husband home in your nightgown with candles lit and dinner on the table. Even Hamburger Helper and mashed potatos (is potatoes spelled right?)