Friday, January 18, 2008

I need to hire a driver!

Today I had to drive Hunter to his friend's house in Frisco. They are best buds and haven't seen each other since September. What should have been a 3 hour round trip, took 5 and 1/2 hours!!! We got majorly lost, had to stop for gas in the ghetto, and had to turn around more times than I can count. It was awful. Everyone cried at some point or another. My kids were amazing, except for a few tears. My cell phone had to be scraped off of the dash because I threw it really hard at around our 3rd hour. The sad thing is, we own a $500 GPS system and I have not been able to use it one time. Go figure. Thankfully I had Chloe for comic relief. She inquired, very seriously: are we gonna run out of brake juice? Thank goodness we are finally home. Now, I can have lunch.


Simply Sarah *K* said...

This metroplex is TOO BIG!

Ashley said...

Yes, it is. And the over use of some street signs and the under use of others doesn't help at all!!! and the *&$#@! construction!!!

Krista said...

I hope you don't have to go pick him up as well. That would suck!!

Ashley said...

No, strangely enough, my friend Mia is best friends with a lady who lives down the street from Hunter's friends family. Anyway, they made plans to drive to Frisco for church and lunch. They are gonna drive Hunter home tomorrow. So, I totally lucked out. Alicia (Hunter's friends mom) is one of many good friends from the neighborhood. There are about 10 of us women who are all around the same age in the neighborhood. Sorry so long!!!