Tuesday, January 15, 2008

She doesn't wear short shorts...

Oh my goodness! What a conversation Chloe and I had this evening. We (me and the kiddos) were in the car and I had told them in a nice way, that they all needed to take nice long baths. Being in a closed vehicle with 4 kids with the heater running and it starts to smell kinda like a dirty sock, if you know what I mean. Anyway, Hayden asked if he could shave, with his new Spongebob "shaving kit" and promptly broke into a song about shaving in the bathtub. I told him that I shave in the tub because it's easier than shaving in the shower. So, Chloe asked if she could shave her legs in the tub. And, I about choked. Then she told me that all of her friends shave their legs AND their armpits... So, now I have a dilemma: when are girls old enough to shave??? I mean she's only 10! I kinda thought 12ish, but I am not sure?! Chandler started shaving when he turned 13, but he had these walrus like whiskers practically growing over his top lip. It was necessary. Hunter will be 12 next week, and although he's getting this dark brown peach fuzz, it will be a while I'm thinking. I can't remember when I started shaving. So, opinions??


Simply Sarah *K* said...

I remember being 11....cause my parents didnt want me to do it till I was 12...and so I wore pants for a long time! LOL....but in today's world...things get earlier and earlier, unfortunately!

Shannon said...

I remember I first shaved when i went into 6th b/c you had to dress down for PE, bu ti do know that my legs were fuzzy, but back then no one made fun or anything. I agree with Sarah, unfortunately kids are growing up faster now! But it was a bonding experience with my mom that is for sure! I was SO scared that I was going to cut myself and bleed to death!

Anonymous said...

i started shaving at 9. I was very mature at a young age. I finally out grew that.

Kelli said...

Man, I don't even know. Maybe tell her when she turns 11. That way, you have some time to get used to it, and she doesn't just automatically get what she wants, and has something to look forward to. You could make that part of her present, nice new razor, shaving cream, lotion.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

oooo.....good one Kelli!

Erica said...

i was 14, but that's because it's hard to see red/blonde leg hairs! did you try the whole, "you'll wish you'd never started shaving" line??? nah, it didn't work on me either.

Ashley said...

She only brings it up every 6 months or so. Maybe I can hold off until she turns 11 this summer? She is anxiously awaiting a bra too. Why are kids always in such a hurry to grow up?

Krista said...

Oh man!! I'm so not looking forward to that stuff when my girls get older. Why can't they stay small forever minus the whines and tantrums?